Monday, August 31, 2009

One Long Day

Hi Everyone, Here's my day. I'll try to be brief because I am getting rather exhausted. We left the house at 10:15, saw Dr. Spielvogle (medical oncologist) at 11:00. He told me due to the severe life-threatening reaction to the Taxol on Wednesday, he or his partner would NEVER EVER order that drug or any derivative of it. He said the problem lies in the medium or binding agent that is is attached to the drug. He said that is the drug he would have preferred to use post-op, but it was now out of the question. A little more disappointing news, but I'm getting used to that. There are other drugs we can use. Next, he told me to take a chemo chair, but I was early for my appt., so we just drove around Amish country for awhile listening to Frank Sinatra sing, "High Hopes." This was given to me by my dad. I must admit it was a bit surreal. Poor Mo was in the back seat spending the first day of her vacation like this.Back to UPMC,Alan gets kicked out of the room while they once again try to access my port. I about crushed Maureen's hand as they stuck me with needles for half an hour. It was horrible.I couldn't take the pain any more, they stopped their tries, started an IV in my left hand and we went from there. First line drugs were Kytril & Decadron, then time for the Carboplatin. I was SCARED TO DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, I tolerated it, they started real slowly & then gradually turned it up on the pump up what it should have been originally. I , of course, questioned the nurse to see if it should be going that fast. She said,  "Do you seriously think I can go through that again with you like last week?" Haha. Now, it was off to radiation Rx. 40 minutes in the accelerator (or whatever it's called-I can't think straight anymore), I was re- scanned, re-simulated, remarked, rechecked, re-everything, Dr. Wilson checked all coordinates and then I was radiated. I kept saying to myself, "Kill them, kill them, kill them!"After lying motionless for 50 minutes with my arms over my head, I was done. Next, off to see Dr. Wilson, the radiation oncologist for a visit. OK, that was my day, went to eat , came home to Y-town, went to surprise Kara, Donny & girls, and now it is time to crash. Thank you for all of your beautiful messages, prayers, inspirational thoughts, cards, gifts, flowers, food, cookies, clothes, jewelry,phone calls from all over the USA, prayer lists, special prayer services. I could go on forever. I am so blessed. Even though I was going to turn off the computer, I want all of you wonderful, caring people to know what happened today. Hope I gave you a good idea of my day. Love & Blessings to all of you, Linda


  1. Thank you for posting that! Now we can all breathe a big sigh of relief!! We are so proud of you! See you tomorrow morning! LOVE YOU!!

  2. Thanks for updating us...I know you must be physically and mentally exhausted. Glad things went well today with a few little bumps..... Tomorrow is the first day of school!!!!!! Kara..let me know how things go. Lots of prayers to you guys.

  3. i am glad i could talk to you myself;i felt better too.don't worry, those creepy things will be "killed" by the treatment.just keep filling up on the carbs and gaining some them who the boss really is!!!
    talk to you, debbie h. Kara, hope karlynn loved her first day at school, and that you held up ok too!!!

  4. Big dogs like to bark
    Radiation DR.S like to mark
    Lay still on your back
    Later buy a big mac.
    Now smile!

  5. Hi Laura ... Karlynn starts on Wednesday, keep your fingers crossed that she enjoys school and has a great day! :) How about your son and daughter? What do they think of school so far this year?

    Grandpa ~ your comment is hilarious! You are a very amusing poet.
