Monday, August 24, 2009


My radiation oncologist just called me (that's right-it's after 8:30 p.m.) and said the brain MRI that I had done this afternoon was negative. I can't tell you the relief we all felt. Alan about dropped to the floor, Kara was estatic, and I am so thankful. The Dr. had actually called me earlier this evening (about 5:00) about another matter, but he usually scares me to death as he is very matter of fact- no sugar coating. He gives me cold, hard facts. However, he is such a superior intellectual braniac, he is amazing. The knowledge he possesses in his work is phenomenal. I asked him if he was still at work tonight. He told me I would think he was crazy if he told me that he was. I told him I could deal with that kind of dedicated & devoted craziness! Especially since he is spending so much time on my particular case. Anyway, if we can get the time allotted on Wednesday with the medical oncologist (approx 3 hours for Rx), the chemo and radiation will start Wednesday. Otherwise, we start next Monday the 31st (my mom's 86th birthday.) He reiterated I must come through this chemo & radiation stong & intact to have the surgery. That is my only option-no plan B. So, to all of my fabulous followers, please keep up your good thoughts, prayers, or whatever you believe in. I do believe it is working. Pray that I can EAT and stay strong! I'll probably gain so much weight, they'll tell me I have to lose weight to be a surgical candidate. HAHAHA! Love, Linda


  1. YEAH!!!!!! I am still doing the happy dance. Told you the scan would be clear!! I would have drank that whole bottle of wine (even though I hate it!) but I had to drive home. Hopefully dad indulged and is feeling "relaxed." You too! You better sleep tonight. I will see you tomorrow for our next adventure in chemo-land. No worries!! LOVE YOU

  2. So happy to hear the good news!

    "Life isn't about the storm, it's about learning to dance in the rain."

    Keep doing that happy dance Kara! ;-)

  3. That's wonderful news Linda.....take one day at a time....we are all praying for you everyday!!!!!!

  4. Hi Linda,

    I am praying for you and thinking positive thoughts for you. When I think of you, I cannot help but remember all of the fun that you, I, Sharon & Susie (and at times. Ken too) shared in Nursing School at YSU. We had a (& I believe we still have) a special bond from those early days that will never be broken.
    Your attitude is good & I know from personal experience with you that you are made of "the right stuff". Be strong and fight this. I care about you and wish you the best.

    Linda Warino

  5. What great news!

    Eat like a champ! Think of every calorie you eat as another soldier in your Wellness Army! Each one makes you stronger! ;)
