Monday, August 24, 2009

Two done, One to go

I went to Jameson this a.m. for my esophageal transit study & a gastric emptying scan. The first test involved swallowing some H2O laced with a radioactive tracer followed by a quick X-ray. I thought this is a piece of cake compared to what I have been going through. Then my lovely nuclear medicine technologist, Shannon (who lives in Poland and knows my neighbor), made me a scrambled egg in the microwave with a radiopharmaceutical as one of the delicious ingredients... and I had to eat this! Immediately after, she had me lie down in a gamma camera scanner and X-rayed me continuously for NINETY MINUTES! She showed me anterior & posterior views of my stomach digesting the egg and moving it along in my system. She let Alan stay in the room with me, provided us with encouragement, support, & warm blankets. This afternoon, off to Northside Hospital for a MRI of the brain. I may not answer the phone any more today...always calling to schedule yet another test! Linda


  1. i think your tests should be over soon.i'm sure you have all your rides covered but i am off every fri.and can take you anywhere,anytime except out of the country as i have no passport!!chuck is also home altho your ears will ache as he is a non stop talker!!does make me laugh on our drives to m.b.i need to get a lap top so when i'm away i can follow your great progress.i will however phone since aunt patty gave me evryone's # including donnie's cell (god love her).i'm sending good thoughts and prayers and love and more calories your way!!love you girl. debbie

  2. Hang in there! You are doing great! This will all be worth it!! :-)
