Monday, August 17, 2009

Waiting for Tomorrow!

This is the hardest! It is much easier being the nurse than the patient. After a myriad of calls from Pittsburgh today, the time was set, the directions were given, and all of our travel arrangements were made. But wait, I received a call at 6:30p.m. changing my surgery time. The original arrival time in Pittsburgh was 5:00a.m! Surgery was to be at 7:30. Now, arrival time is 8:30, surgery around 11:30. Well, at least we aren't getting up at 2:30 a.m. (I guess it doesn't matter-no one really sleeps.) My priest just left-he annointed me and prayed with us. He has been very attentive & helpful. So now, what does any normal person awaiting surgery tomorrow do? I think going to Handel's sounds like a good idea. I have to keep my strength up and quit losing weight, right? :) To all of you following this, I thank you for the love & encouragement. It helps more than you will ever know. Linda


  1. Hi Mom! :) Hope you enjoyed your ice cream. Do not worry about tomorrow. It will all be just fine. UPMC rocks!! I LOVE YOU! See you in the a.m.!

  2. UPMC is the place to be! No worries at all. Rod has it all under control :)

    Love you!

  3. handel's was a great plan! glad you'll have your "posse" with you tomorrow. know you'll be in our thoughts, too. :)

  4. We all love you! Tomorrow will be a breeze! We are all going to be there with you, so relax and you'll be just fine!



  5. Hey Linda, Maureen sent me your blog.Just want you to know that more people than you know are out here praying for you. Go into that surgery knowing that God's love and comfort and peace are surrounding you and your family. We wish you the best. Trudy Kibby
