Friday, October 30, 2009

Testing, Testing

Today, I was at NSH. I had a 2-D Echocardiogram, EKG, Chest X-Ray, CT scan of the head with contrast, and a nuclear stress test. I showed that cardiologist that I AM TOUGH!!!! No problem on that treadmill. I told him to "bring it on." I had my pulse racing, continued talking with him, and successfully kept up with the speed and incline increases. I saw a lot of my co-workers from surgery. That was very nice! All in all, quite a productive day. Happy Halloween to all. & don't eat too much candy!  Linda  :)


  1. Jen said you need to "dumb it down" for her to read! hahahahahaha

    She doesn't know what any of the technical terms and big words mean. HA! Much love from her. We love you!

    shawn,jen, and cooper!

  2. YOU ROCK!!!! you keep proving time and time again that nothing is going to keep you down. just read a story about a woman who had tumors in her lungs, lymph nodes and brain, and now is five years into remission. i know one day i'm going to be reading your inspirational story in a magazine. keep it up!

  3. Hi! Can't wait till your counts come back up and you are out of quarantine. I have lots of plans for you! In the meantime, I have almost 3 weeks of vacation coming up just to be with you for your surgery and recuperation! You are going to be so sick of me! :) LOVE YOU!

  4. TOUGH is an understatement, they didnt realize that putting you on that treadmill was a piece of cake!! I have seen you in action in good ole Dr.Stefko's room " A " and you would absolutely run circles around any unknowing soul that came in. You Def set a standard as a hike nurse, just as you are doing now as a patient and I am SOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!
