Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Quick Update from Kara

Hello everyone! As requested, here's a quick update. This is my mom's first full week with no treatments. I think more of the side effects of the chemo and radiation, which are cumulative, are beginning to set in. She's been really wiped out, WBC counts are very low and she has no energy. She has also been experiencing constant tachycardia (racing pulse), which is making her weak and shaky. She was sent for an EKG today, which was normal. She will, however, be getting a halter monitor to wear for 24 hours to see the variation in pulse during rest/exertion throughout the course of the day. Her doctor seemed to feel that it was simply her body's reaction to the amount of stress it's been put through over the last 2 months. The doctor's office was nerve-wracking for her because there were many sick people in the waiting room, so mom actually went outside to wait and they called her when they were ready. She really needs to avoid most places and people right now, until her counts come back up. Germs, bacteria and viruses are unacceptable at this point. :) Also, she's started experiencing some painful dysphagia, and is having difficulty swallowing. Her chest/esophagus feels tight and it's becoming increasingly hard to eat. We will modify her diet for the time being (back to milkshakes, soup, mashed potatoes, etc.) and hopefully these effects will begin to lessen sometime soon. Thanks to everyone who has followed this blog and kept my mom in your thoughts and prayers. It helps to know that you are all here with us.


  1. just another hurdle to jump over! I am thinking of you and praying for you Linda!

  2. like i said, get creative and find the good in everything you go through. Keep chasing your food with water and you'll get through it until you start feeling better.

    We love you!

  3. i know that sunny disposition and awesome family support system can get you through anything; just keep on keepin' on. you've got our thoughts and prayers in bunches.

  4. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!!!!

  5. Hi Linda, Keep on smiling that beautiful smile and you can fight anything!!!!
    Love you!
    Kelly (Dr. Oh's)
