Thursday, October 8, 2009

YOU DID IT! (Posted by Kara)

I couldn't wait to tell you CONGRATULATIONS on finishing your chemo and radiation treatments! You should be so proud of yourself. You came through all the ups and downs, days of sickness and exhaustion, hours and hours of IV fluids, daily trips to New Castle, everything, with flying colors. You rock! 
I know all of your fans are so proud and excited for you. 
Take this next month to relax and recover, and gain back your strength. We are all here for you!


  1. Thank you for the congrats. I couldn't have done it without all of you constantly by my side. Now we'll get ready for the next step. i love you, Mom

  2. yeah!!!! we knew you could do it!!!you more than rock!!! i ahve the car gassed and ready for whatever and wherever else you need to go.i think tho we shall fill up on ice cream and pasta between now and then!!! i may even put ww on hold just for you!!!!what an inspiration to all. love you, deb

  3. CONGRATS! You are amazing. I bet its a big load off knowing that you got through it pretty good compared to what you thought might go down. We are all so proud of you and love you so much!
    Shawn, Jen & Cooper


    So glad the EKG was normal. I know that is a big load off.

    We love you

  5. So glad you graduated with honors! Hope you are feeling stronger each day.... Thinking of You Always.....Love, Karen
