Monday, April 5, 2010


I spent the day at NSH today. I went in at 8:00 a.m. because the nephrologist wanted me to have 5 hours of IV fluids prior to the CT scan. I just had a scan with dye last Wednesday & we're trying to keep the kidneys protected. After two unsuccessful attempts at starting my IV, I told the nurses not to try anymore. I called surgery & they sent one of the nurse anesthetists to start the IV. First try-no problem. So, I got my fluids and then had to start drinking Gastrografin (contrast medium for the scan.) I was supposed to drink 6 glasses between 12:00 and 2:00. If you have followed this blog, you know how difficult & disgusting that is for me. I took a Zofran & did what I had to do. Ugh! Anyway, The scan was very quick, I was then allowed to go home. We left the hospital about 3:00. A very long day for a 5 minute CT scan. Tomorrow-no doctors! Wednesday, I have to see a cardiologist for this racing pulse I have and I go to see the lung surgeon's partner. Hope everyone had a lovely Easter. Linda


  1. Enjoy tomorrow! What a treat not to have any doctor's appointments! It is supposed to be 80˚ so maybe you can venture outside. LOVE YOU!

  2. So glad you have the day off from doctors. Enjoy it!!!!

    We love you, and thanks for the blog update :)

    Shawn, Jen, & Cooper

  3. Missed you! We were in Las Veagas for the week visiting my sister in law. Had a great time . Hope by today you are feeling better and have good news to post!!! Love Ya!!!!! Karen

  4. Hi Momoo, I'm sending you a heart, maybe two, no, a million gazillion hearts because I love you so much! You look so great. I love you! Bye!
    Love, Karlynn <3 <3
