Friday, April 30, 2010

Hi everyone. I haven't written anything because I have been so miserable. I have a repeat 2-D echo on Tuesday. Dr. Scavina said minimal fluid is around my heart and we have to recheck that. I also start physical therapy on Tuesday for strengthening and trying to build my body back up. I am extremely weak, very deconditioned. I'm on some new medication that is really rough. Nausea, headaches, fatigue. Hopefully, it gets better and also helps to stimulate my appetite. The weight loss continues. I was always wanting to lose weight, but this is getting to be ridiculous. I never thought it would be so hard to just walk around the house. I am just exhausted after doing so. Have a good weekend, Linda


  1. Keep at it. If anyone can do it, you can - you have already shown this in more ways than you'll ever know. Hopefully this nausea and headaches are good pain - should hopefully help out and give you some appetite back once the meds kick in. And the physical therapy will be more pain, but also good pain, to help get your energy and stamina back up. We have so much faith in you. You can do it! You have, and you will! We love you

    Shawn, Jen, and Cooper

  2. Hi Mom! How was physical therapy today? Please update us -- your public is waiting to hear. :) You are probably tired and sore, but hopefully this will be a step in the right direction toward recovery. We Love You!
