Friday, February 12, 2010

Another bump in the road ~ from Kara

I may have spoken too soon. This morning, her levels dropped yet again. Her doctor ordered a nephrologist consult. They will be checking to see if the potassium is wasting through the kidneys, or digestive tract, etc. Further testing will determine whether or not she will need an additional supplement or medication. Keep your fingers crossed that things will get better for her soon! Thank you for all your prayers!


  1. UPDATE: Nephrologist confirmed that her kidneys have been damaged from the Cisplatin. They are functioning adequately, but are not absorbing any electrolytes. Magnesium needs corrected before Potassium can stabilize. She will now need additional meds taken daily to help with this condition.

  2. Praying for her everyday that she finds strength each day to get better. I'm sure all her strength comes from her wonderful family, I know how hard this is on all of you too. Everyone is rooting for her!!!
    Cindy Dota

  3. Stay strong Linda we love you!!! Karen
