Thursday, July 1, 2010

July 1, 2010

The nephrologist is slowly decreasing my magnesium & potassium supplements. I thought he might discontinue them totally, no such luck. He was more concerned with the weight loss. So, now my "food patrol posse" is at work again trying to feed me all the time. Ugh! I've been trying to get out more, walk, be more active, etc. I'm still plagued by pain and shortness of breath. Next week is a very stressful week. CT scan of chest & abdomen on Tuesday, visit the pulmonologist on Wednesday, and appointment with the oncologist on Friday. It's very nerve-wracking waiting for these scans. I just try to keep busy and go day by day. I am going to hand therapy now which is going well. The incision is healing nicely and I have most of my movement back. Enjoy the Fourth of July. Linda (Heather, your baby is such a sweet little guy.)


  1. thanks, Linda! The kids all had such a great time with karlynn and kenzie yesterday. and like I said, you look GREAT! it is absolutely wonderful to see you out and smiling. I think you're on your way down the hill now. :) enjoy your holiday!

  2. of course hand therapy is going well ... you're getting an hour-long hand massage! sounds good to me! :) don't stress about the scans ... you've already been through worse and it seems to me you are getting better, slowly but surely ...

  3. Yeah, I don't see anything bad about hand therapy. That would cost you $60 at Entheos!!!

    And I agree with Kara, you have been through the worst. No surprises on the CT scan! We love you

    Shawn, Jen & Cooper
