Sunday, February 21, 2010


Hi everyone. I'm finally home after nine days in the hospital. I feel very weak and tired. I am still fighting the eating battle. The nephrologist explained that it's critical I eat to get the Potassium & Magnesium in my system. I am still taking supplements for both. In the hospital, they gave me huge amounts of these two, but they went right through me. I wasn't absorbing them intravenously because of the damage to the kidneys. My low point was the day all of my counts dropped. When my platelets were in the 40,000 range, my nose kept bleeding, and when I nicked my leg it wouldn't stop bleeding. The hemoglobin of 7.8 just exhausted me. After two units of blood, things did improve somewhat. My legs are bruised from the low platelet count. Tomorrow, I am seeing the oncologist and I have some big decisions to make. I know that I will refuse the Cisplatin, I can't tolerate that anymore. I also will refuse any other "platins." I just can't take any more damage to my kidneys or any more hearing loss. I have four more treatments left and I am in a quandary. I will pray for guidance so I make the correct decision tomorrow. This is totally off the subject, but I was amazed at the icicles when I got out of the hospital. Have a good evening, Linda

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