Monday, February 15, 2010


Day 8 in the hospital. The nephrologist was in and informed us that mom's levels are finally heading back in the right direction. He is still not sure if the kidneys will correct themselves, or if she'll need to be on lifelong supplements. I don't know how my mom is doing it ... Over a week in isolation in a tiny hospital room with a lovely view of the rooftop and some chimneys. We try to keep her company -- the girls and I during the day, when we can, and my dad after work. We just want her back home!


  1. So glad to see your post, I was worried about her all week-end. She sounds amazing, tell her I think of her each day.
    Cindy Dota

  2. Thank you, Cindy! She is finally back at home, trying to regain some of her strength and energy. She is weak but we know she will get through it.

  3. Welcome Home Linda!!!!!! We all love you and you continue to be in our prayers.. Love Karen

  4. hope being back at home has gotten her strength up. at least the scenery is better. :) and no doubt "dr. kara" can nurse her back to health. thinking of you all.
