Sunday, February 28, 2010

Last day of February

Good riddance to this month. Yesterday, we were able to go to Kara & Donny's for awhile. It was nice to go, but I was sooo tired when we got home. Tomorrow, I will see if my counts are high enough for chemo. If RBC's, WBC's & platelets are reasonable, I will get chemo followed by a shot of Neulasta to bring WBC's back up. Then I have a week off and then two more chemo treatments. If counts are bad, we drag this along even further. (Can you tell I'm getting fed up?) So, I pretty much take Zofran every day so I can eat to keep my Potassium & Magnesium levels high enough to stay out of the hospital. Gregg, I hope your flight back to Texas was uneventful. I liked the conversation about flying (that would only come from a pilot!) Keep warm, everyone. Linda

1 comment:

  1. We will be thinking about you all night and all day hoping your counts are high enough tomorrow. At least you don't have to leave the house for the blood work! You are doing great, look at how much you've done, gone through, and overcome. I don't know anyone else that could have done it. You are amazing, and we are all so proud of you. Not too much longer to go! Here's to hopefully starting to feel better!!! Love,
    Shawn, Jen & Cooper
