Sunday, February 28, 2010

Last day of February

Good riddance to this month. Yesterday, we were able to go to Kara & Donny's for awhile. It was nice to go, but I was sooo tired when we got home. Tomorrow, I will see if my counts are high enough for chemo. If RBC's, WBC's & platelets are reasonable, I will get chemo followed by a shot of Neulasta to bring WBC's back up. Then I have a week off and then two more chemo treatments. If counts are bad, we drag this along even further. (Can you tell I'm getting fed up?) So, I pretty much take Zofran every day so I can eat to keep my Potassium & Magnesium levels high enough to stay out of the hospital. Gregg, I hope your flight back to Texas was uneventful. I liked the conversation about flying (that would only come from a pilot!) Keep warm, everyone. Linda

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Really exhausted & weak today...barely got off the couch. Karen, the flowers were beautiful. I called Marie to thank her. Maybe, you can tell everyone at OSC how much appreciated they are. Good night, Linda

Monday, February 22, 2010

Dr.s Visit Today

Well, I spoke with the oncologist today and we made a mutual decision that I can't tolerate the Cisplatin. The effects were too toxic to my body as I explained in my previous post. I also can't take the Carboplatin because of ear & kidney toxicity which I already have. So we will proceed with the Gemzar by itself. He hasn't really given this drug alone with my type of cancer, however with the results from the surgery, he thinks it will be beneficial. I have three more doses of Gemzar and once I complete that, Dr. said I will have received approximately 80% of the treatment. I get one week off to recover between treatment #2 and #3. It really knocks out the platelets, WBC'c, & RBC's. After that a shot of Neulasta (OUCH), then the last 2 treatments. Then, I think he said in eight weeks after chemo is done, I will get a PET scan and that will really tell us a lot. So, I am sure you know I am REALLY anxious to complete this ordeal. Thank you North Side Surgery friends for the beautiful flower arrangement. It looks lovely. It makes me think of all of you. Take care,Linda

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Hi everyone. I'm finally home after nine days in the hospital. I feel very weak and tired. I am still fighting the eating battle. The nephrologist explained that it's critical I eat to get the Potassium & Magnesium in my system. I am still taking supplements for both. In the hospital, they gave me huge amounts of these two, but they went right through me. I wasn't absorbing them intravenously because of the damage to the kidneys. My low point was the day all of my counts dropped. When my platelets were in the 40,000 range, my nose kept bleeding, and when I nicked my leg it wouldn't stop bleeding. The hemoglobin of 7.8 just exhausted me. After two units of blood, things did improve somewhat. My legs are bruised from the low platelet count. Tomorrow, I am seeing the oncologist and I have some big decisions to make. I know that I will refuse the Cisplatin, I can't tolerate that anymore. I also will refuse any other "platins." I just can't take any more damage to my kidneys or any more hearing loss. I have four more treatments left and I am in a quandary. I will pray for guidance so I make the correct decision tomorrow. This is totally off the subject, but I was amazed at the icicles when I got out of the hospital. Have a good evening, Linda

Monday, February 15, 2010


Day 8 in the hospital. The nephrologist was in and informed us that mom's levels are finally heading back in the right direction. He is still not sure if the kidneys will correct themselves, or if she'll need to be on lifelong supplements. I don't know how my mom is doing it ... Over a week in isolation in a tiny hospital room with a lovely view of the rooftop and some chimneys. We try to keep her company -- the girls and I during the day, when we can, and my dad after work. We just want her back home!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Another bump in the road ~ from Kara

I may have spoken too soon. This morning, her levels dropped yet again. Her doctor ordered a nephrologist consult. They will be checking to see if the potassium is wasting through the kidneys, or digestive tract, etc. Further testing will determine whether or not she will need an additional supplement or medication. Keep your fingers crossed that things will get better for her soon! Thank you for all your prayers!

Roller Coaster Thursday

Hi again, it's Kara. Day 4 of her hospital stay brought my mom some more new challenges and developments. Not only did her potassium and magnesium continue to drop, but so did her hemoglobin and platelets. This led to a blood transfusion - 2 units, and more magnesium and potassium intravenously. She is also taking potassium pills daily, crushed in applesauce. She has begun to keep food down, which is an improvement over the last several days. Finally, around 8:30 p.m., her doctor called her room directly and told her she could rest easy tonight -- all her levels were approaching normal again! Yeah! Finally some good news! I know this will help ease her mind. She has been quite discouraged lately.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wednesday ~ From Kara

Hello again! Well, she is still in the hospital. Although they've been running potassium round the clock, her levels are just not rising enough. The nausea/vomiting were major issues -- she has been given phenergan, zofran, etc. to help combat the sickness. She is also having pain from her surgery, but is reluctant to add any more drugs into her already heavily-medicated body. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that her potassium/magnesium levels stabilize, and that she is able to eat something and keep it down, so that she can come home! Thanks for all your healing thoughts and prayers. And, a big thank-you to whoever plowed my parents' driveway, if you happen to be reading this. It was GREATLY appreciated!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Monday Update ~ From Kara

Hello everyone. As many of you know, my mom has been having major issues maintaining her potassium (and now magnesium) levels. The cisplatin is really doing a number on her. Just this past Friday she was in New Castle all day, receiving fluids and potassium. By today (Monday) she was still not feeling any better. In fact, she was worse than ever. She made another trip back to New Castle for even more fluids and potassium. Her bloodwork today showed even lower potassium levels. They decided to admit her to the hospital (Northside) because she appears to need more than they can give her in an outpatient setting. So, she was in the ER from 4 to 9:30 p.m. She was then transferred to a room. My dad and I left after 10, and she STILL had not received her potassium. Once she finally does, it will hopefully make a big difference in how she feels. Also, she is discussing with her oncologist about discontinuing the cisplatin -- her body just cannot tolerate it. They would switch her to another, less harsh platinum drug. I will update again tomorrow. Please say a prayer for my mom. :) Goodnight!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Snowy Saturday, Neulasta effects, etc.

Well, I spoke too soon about the Neulasta. The effects kicked in about 24 hours after I got the shot. I had a lot of pain in my neck, lower back, hips, and especially my legs (femurs.) I also had a bad headache and was sick all day Thursday and Thursday night. By the time I went to therapy Friday morning, they took me directly back and started vitals. By the time Debbie had parked the car and walked in the office, they were already hooking up the fluids to the mediport. I had Kytril, Ativan, Decadron, Potassium and fluids. We were there four hours and just sat in the dark without the TV on, and Debbie & I talked occassionally. I was really sick yesterday. I had to lie down in the back seat to get there..haven't had to do that in awhile. When I got home, I was exhausted and slept for 1 1/2 hours. I can only imagine the Neulasta is working in there helping my white blood cells to grow & mature. Something is going on! Be careful if you have to go out today. Welcome to all my followers. I love hearing from you. Linda

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I got the Neulasta today. So far, so good. The nurse said some people require Percodan for about a week following the shot. I don't think that will be necessary. I'm counting on Ibuprofen to relieve the pain. However, I don't know what I'm dealing with and hope I don't regret these words. I did find out today that my Potassium & Magnesium are really low. I have to get IV potassium on Friday again. There goes another four hours. I am also now taking potassium and magnesium. The magnesium gets crushed in applesauce and that's manageable. The potassium is a liquid that gets diluted in juice. It tastes drinking salt water. This Cisplatin is really doing a number on my body-and I've only had two doses of it! As long as it works on any nasty little cells that might be lurking around, I'll deal with all the other stuff. I don't have much choice. Linda

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday Success

I was able to receive my chemo today. All six hours of it. Although, my WBC'S and neutrophils were borderline..they were on the right side of the border to receive the Cisplatin. I got a large amount of anti-nausea drugs, steroids, & fluids prior to the chemo. I found out that they add Mannitol to the Cisplatin. That certainly explains the frequent bathroom trips. Tomorrow, Kara will take me back for a shot of Neulasta. Not exactly looking forward to that. A shot that causes bones, muscles, & joints to ache & pain. Also, as the cells reform & mature, you get pain in the sternum, hips, legs, arms, back, etc. Wow, what's left not to hurt? I would say my head, but that's hurting, too. My nurse said the chemo is working on the follicles and causing scalp pain. Now, this could mean my hair may fall out or stay in. I'm taking a wait and see attitude on that one. There's really nothing I can do about it, so I'll take that as it comes. I think this catches you up on my news. I will be going in on Friday for rescue fluids (and Potassium if it fell again.) Here's to orange juice, bananas, strawberries, baked potatoes, etc." Long live Potassium Rich Foods!" Linda

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday night

Chemo tomorrow, it's the l-o-n-g treatment. Let's hope the counts are reasonable and we can proceed with chemo. I am so ready for this to be done! Linda