Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I spoke too soon

I  was feeling pretty good and then last evening  I started getting very bad stomach pains, chills during the night and got up at 5:00 a.m. deathly ill. I was sick for hours and this time the Zofran was not working it's magic. Kara came over & Alan came home from work to find me lying on the bathroom floor. Kara called the oncologist and they said to bring me in. "Oh sure, this is going to be possible," I thought to myself! They threw some clothes on me, no make-up, no jewelry, NO LIP GLOSS, and threw me lying down into the back seat of the car. As soon as we got to UPMC, Alan checked me in as I continued to be sick in the bathroom. The Dr. examines me, blood is drawn, fluids are ordered and then more anti-emetics for the pre-chemo RX. As I reclined in a chair for the next three and a half hours, covered with warm blankets and getting IV's (through my fantastic new mediport), I began to feel human again. Next some more saline IV boluses to flush out all the chemo and they kept giving me fluids until radiation was ready for me. Radiation then took about 30 minutes because once or twice a week, all landmarks are re-x-rayed and re-simmed. Then we shot at those nasty tumors and 4 hours later from when we arrived, it was off to home. Yippee! So at this moment in time, for right now, I feel good. Linda


  1. Hope you have a restful evening. thinking of you Love,Karen

  2. You can do it, you can do it, you can do it!!

  3. just can't believe the luck of the nurse. hopefully the jinx will leave you soon. it will realize that you are not going to give into it!!!! hang in there and be strong no matter how tough it get!!!!! remember Lance. Thinking of you always, Joanne:)

  4. So glad you were feeling better eventually yesterday. And I REALLY hope that continues when you wake up today. Just like Kara said - You can do it! Can't wait to see you this weekend. We love you!

  5. i was so thrilled to hear you sing to me!!!!if i have to i am putting a sign on your front door!!!!you know what i mean and why.i will sit outside and patrol!!!i'm so glad you felt better wed.i will talk to you soon and thanx for the b-day card,but don't worry about other people and their lives,you concentrate on getting better.you are now nearing the half way point.i am so damn proud of you and how incredible you really are.love you and will talk soon.debbie h

  6. We're home! I am posting this on your computer at 12:42 AM.

    Love you!
