Monday, September 28, 2009


Today's Agenda:

Dr. appt. with medical oncologist-$$$$$$
Lab Work-$$$$$
Radiation Rx -$$$$$$$
Dr. appt. with radiation oncologist-$$$$$$
Lunch at Tanner's- $30.00
Getting to Kara's on time to get Karlynn off the bus-PRICELESS!!!!!!!!

Feeling good today-Hooray for pharmaceuticals!   Linda


  1. Driving time to New Castle = 40 min.
    Time spent in Chemo = 2.5 hours
    Time in Radiation = 1.5 hours
    Drive home = 40 min.
    Time spent getting you to eat & drink fluids = 45 min.
    Shopping for recliner = 45 min.

    Time I'd spend to see you up and about and feeling like your old self again = all the time in the world!

  2. Money spent on plane ticket = $250
    Money spent on drive up = $150
    Groceries at Rulli Brothers = $40
    Wings from Quaker Steak = $15
    Kytril & Adavan = $Probably alot

    Hearing you on the phone on a good day = PRICELESS

  3. Enjoy it while you can-later in the week may find me on the bathroom floor. However....not vomiting is something that is really PRICELESS!!!!!! See, it's all relative. People just get confused as to what really matters. You guys are the best and I love you to bits! Good night. (If the steroids don't wear off soon. I'll be e-mailing you all night long :)
