Monday, September 14, 2009

Chemo tomorrow

Third round of chemo tomorrow, followed by radiation Rx. I get blood drawn first to make sure the counts are compatible with chemo.  I'll meet with medical oncologist tomorrrow. I met with radiation oncologist today. Once again, he emphasized rest & eating. I only lost 2 # from last week which is great. Basically, he does not want me to do anything. That is very much of a change in my lifestyle. However, the concurrent chemo and 3 sites being irradiated make it very easy for me to do nothing. Since this stuff has a cumulative effect, I can't even imagine the fatigue level that lies ahead. The Zofran is working out nicely for the nausea. Tylenol Extra Strength helps the aches & pains. As far as the fatigue, lying in bed or on the couch helps that. My workout is walking from the bed to the couch. I keep telling myself , "This is only temporary." I hope to come on here tomorrow and tell you that  everything was uneventful. Have a good night, Linda


  1. We will await the good news that you are one step closer to the finish line. We all LOVE YOU and will be thinking positive thoughts and praying for you...... Love Karen

  2. Of COURSE it will be uneventful. You'll probably come home riding the wave of your "chemo high" and feel better than you have for days. Just know that the exhaustion is temporary. Always remember that. There is nothing wrong with just resting and doing nothing. That is what you are SUPPOSED to be doing! :) Hang in there! WE LOVE YOU!

  3. thinking good thoughts for you. :) rest and let your family take care of you the way you've always taken such great care of them.

  4. Happy Birthday girlfriend, I had an elephant ear for you at the fair! I miss seeing your smiling face in o.r. Your friend, Diane D.
