Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday afternoon

Hi everyone. It's a rainy & miserable Sunday. Alan & I are going for a ride just to get me out of the house. We try to go when he comes home from work, but by the time he gets home & we head out, it is usually dark when we get to our destination. Last week one night, we rode out to Lake Milton & all we saw was a dark frozen lake. Maybe, we'll try that one again today. Then, we'll stop to get something to eat (like a baked potato full of potassium.) Our Trailblazer probably thinks it's a restaurant since I'm not allowed to go in anywhere, we always eat in it. One day, I will actually be healthy enough to go inside somewhere among people. Yay! I can't wait. I'm hoping my counts come back up enough to receive chemo on Tuesday. Wish me luck, Linda


  1. Hi Linda, This was one of the dreariest days ever. Hope you had a good day and I hope that on Tuesday you complete one step closer to the finish line. Thinking of you and praying for you always!!!!!! Love Karen

  2. Karen, you are so consistently supportive. You'll never know how much it means to me. Thanks & Love, Linda

  3. awww...eating amongst the public is overrated, anyway. you've got the best company in that trailblazer with you. :) we're always thinking of you. good luck!

  4. Heather, you also are the best! Love your comments. Love, Linda

  5. so silly...this site is about YOU. you don't need to compliment us. lol. hope things go well tomorrow!

  6. Hi Mom! Good luck tomorrow. I'm sure you'll get the all-clear for chemo. :) Hope you guys had a nice night and that dad had a lovely birthday. :) Talk to you in the morning! Love you!
