Sunday, January 3, 2010

Good Riddance 2009

I believe that last year was the worst year of my life. Even before I got diagnosed, I was feeling terrible for months. Now, I just want to look ahead. I know that 2010 will be a super year. Once I recover from this last course of chemo, get stronger, & stop having so much pain, I'm going to celebrate. I have to gain my appetite back & gain some weight back. We are never content with things. I lost over 40 # since I got sick and now I just want to be able to eat & gain weight. Before, I always wanted to lose weight. AAGGHHHHH! I got new clothes for Christmas because nothing fits. I was using safety pins to gather the waistband of my pants! I did not make any resolutions. I just want to be healthy & well. Nothing else is important. To all of my loyal followers, those that comment and those that don't: you have been huge lifesavers. Some of you have just been so consistent from day one. You'll never realize how much you help me. I have so many angels in my life-my family, friends, neighbors, church members, co-workers. When I get through all of this-look out. I have a CT of my chest tomorrow @ NSH, six hour chemo on Tuesday @ UPMC Cancer Center, & lung surgeon appt. at The Lung Center on Wednesday. Such an exciting week. I'll try to post soon, just trying to keep positive on how I'll be feeling after that chemo. Have a great day & stay warm, Linda


  1. Your progress so far is absolutely awe-inspiring. I know you'll keep it up in 2010!

  2. I know 2009 is a year you want to forget, but it will be a good barometer to see how fantastic 2010 is going to be for you. you really are in the home stretch now! can't wait to see the vacation pics after you and the girls hit the beach. :) we continue to have you in our thoughts and prayers always. good luck with your busy week!

  3. Linda, Always thinking of you and praying for you!!!!! Love Karen
