Saturday, November 7, 2009

Getting Closer

Monday, I see two Dr's., get my mediport flushed, & get Type and X-Matched for blood at Jameson. I may meet with the anesthesiologist at that time. I am hoping to see a familiar face....Dr. Dayal, maybe. Then, I guess I will be all set and "dready" (dreading it and ready), for Wednesday. They told me I am Dr. Landreneau's first case of the day, but I don't know what time he rolls in. I'll probably have to be at Jameson around 6:30 a.m.-that's just my guess. Then, all the preoperative preparation and off to surgery. I wish I could sleep through the week until it's time to go home. I shouldn't say that...that may be tempting fate. I miss Karlynn & Mackenzie, but since they received the flu vaccine, I haven't been permitted to be around them. Enjoy the weekend, Linda


  1. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers At this time next week you will begin the journey to good health and this waiting will be behind you. Just stay healthy and ready to tackle this surgery head on. I have all the confidence in the world that you will do great. You have so many friends that love you and care about you !!!!! Love ,Karen

  2. I just know it was my fish-and-milk diet tip that did the trick! :) Glad your counts came back up, let's just do it and once the surgery is behind us we can start planning for Florida! I cannot believe all that you have faced and overcome in the last 3 months. We're all so proud of you! LOVE YOU!
