Thursday, August 13, 2009


So, today was a long & trying day. After arriving at the facility, getting my sugar checked and getting injected with a radioactive substance, I was placed in a room by myself for an hour. This was to let the injection travel throughout the body. I had to enhance this with three glasses of water. My trusty Alan was by my side, however, he had to sit in the hallway six feet away from me as I was radioactive at this point. When the time came to do the scan, I was positioned in the scanner with my arms strapped over my head for the first portion of the exam. Then, they brought me out of the scanner and repositioned me, this time with my arms strapped firmly at my sides, with my hands splayed out over my lower abdomen. Another 30-35 minutes in the scanner and I was done. Yay! Now, I was really glad to be done & get out of there. I was kind of achy and stiff and had a headache. UPMC was adamant that I get a copy of the PET scan and overnight it to them, but unfortunately, the computer was not working to copy the disc. After all day long of checking with Southwoods to see when the disc was done, going to NSH to pick up CT scan discs, checking to see when the post office closed, they finally got it working. So, I think the films, discs, and whatever else needs to go are on their merry way to Pittsburgh to be in place for Tuesday which will be a hugely critical day. That will be spent at UPMC-Shadyside and we are all anxiously awaiting results of the procedures.


  1. No prob, mom ... we got it all done! You'd better eat something tonight!! Just try to relax. :)

  2. I love you very much baby baby. I love you just very much. Love you love you, you're my lovey lovey love.

    Love, Angel Baby Bear

  3. We are rooting for you from North Carolina!
    Love, The Riccitelli's, Parker's & Gault's

  4. so you were glowing even more than usual this morning. ;) glad that you got that part behind you. hope you do something just for you this weekend.

  5. I know you're glad the pet scan is over! I'll see if I can fit Cooper in my carry on tomorrow :) LOVE YOU

  6. I'm so glad you all did this blog, it's a great idea for all of us to stay up to date! The whole Tanoff family if praying for you everyday :) Call any of us if anyone ever needs anything! LOVE YOU LINDA!
