Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday, February 20, 2011

Well ... unfortunately, my worst fear was confirmed. Two weeks ago, I had been coughing up blood and called my pulmonologist. He ordered a C.T. scan and a bronchoscopy. The findings from the bronchoscopy were not what we wanted to hear. The beast is back -- this time in the bronchus/carinal/mediastinal areas. I spent most of last week with my radiation oncologist. Tuesday I will have a C.T. scan while they place markings on my body to ensure proper positioning for a PET scan, which I will undergo the next day. The decision is not yet final, but it looks as though I will be having some external beam radiation, possibly to be followed by Brachytherapy. I don't think we will be doing chemo this time around. It was just too harsh on my body. As usual, all prayers and well-wishes are most welcomed!!!

Love, Linda


  1. I love you my angel momoo bear. I love you to bits and bits and bits. I love you, you are like chocolate to me. Bye Bye!

  2. No one can top what Karlynn had to say :)
    But please know you are always always in our prayers. Keep fighting and know that you'll always have people cheering you on.

  3. So sorry to hear that Linda..please know that I think about you all the time and pray for you and your family....stay strong and know that you are loved

  4. So glad to see you back on the computer and updating your followers! We are all thinking about you, and sending our positive thoughts and energy. You've done it before, and we have no doubt that you WILL do it again. Stay positive, and you'll get through it. We love you so much!

    Shawn, Jen, & Cooper

  5. As always, you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Sharon

  6. Love and Prayers, Linda................Love Karen

  7. Dear Linda, You are in my prayers always. Stay determined and focused. Love, Shirley
